About Us
We build an eco-network within our partners, to promote innovation and support the environment. We create products, systems, and technologies that lead to sustainability.

Mission & Vision

Business Activities
We provide our clients with innovative products and services and very much involve in community activities through our investing activities including local product development and sponsorship.
Please stop using single-use plastic and recycle. Keep the oceans clean and free of plastic waste. Protecting our habitat is protecting your future.
One day, I mistakenly swallowed a plastic bag. I thought it was a jellyfish – my favorite food. But as I swallowed it, I felt pain. The plastic bag didn’t dissolve in my stomach; it made me uncomfortable and impossible to digest. I felt heavy and tired, unable to swim fast or dive deep like before. That plastic bag is slowly killing me from the inside.
I don’t understand why humans throw these harmful things into our ocean. We just want to live in peace, but plastic waste is destroying our habitat. I wish people could understand our pain and stop dumping plastic waste into the sea. Please protect us, protect our home, and protect yourselves. Because we are all part of this green planet.